User Mentioned JQL (Jira Plugin)

Never forget to reply for any mentions in Jira.

User Mentioned is simple Jira Query Language function that will return those ticket you were recently mentioned in. You can reply on those ticket, or mark them as replied if necessary.


When plugin is installed it starts collecting information about new mentions (it does not work retrospectively). All mentions will be registered and you will be able to search tickets where you were mentioned in using few simple JQL queries.
To do this in Jira use “Search for Issues” screen (Issues -> Search for Issues), and switch to advanced searching using JQL, and find tickets using queries described below.
You can build your own filters using those queries and create your own dashboard items base previously saved filters.

issue in mentioned()
Filters all issues that you (logged in user) have been mentioned

issue in mentioned(unreplied)
Filters all issues that you (logged in user) have been mentioned and you haven’t replied yet

issue in mentioned(-3d)
Filters all issues that you were mentioned in past 3 days.

Possible parameters:

  • m – Minutes
  • h – Hours
  • d – Days
  • w – Weeks
  • M – Months
  • y – Years

issue in mentioned(-3d, unreplied)
Filters all the issues that you were mentioned in past 3 days, and you haven’t reply yet or marked as replied.

Possible parameters:

  • unreplied/false – returns only issues you haven’t replied on
  • replied/true – returns only issues you have replied on
  • all – returns both replied and not replied issues

issue in mentionsOf(johndoe)
Filters all issues that specified user have been mentioned

issue in mentionsOf(johndoe, -4w)
Filters all issues that specified user have been mentioned during last 4 weeks

issue in mentionsOf(johndoe, -13w, unreplied)
Filters all issues that specified user have been mentioned during last 4 weeks, and he haven’t replied yet

Mark replied” – from Issue menu (More -> Mark Replied)
Allows user to mark item replied without leaving comment.


Mentions History Chart

Chart shows number of mentions per day, both replied and unreplied

Mentions Ratio

Chart shows number of mentions answered vs unanswered for specified period of time:


From Atlassian Marketplace :


